The Real Intention Of Entertainers Diving Into Politics Revealed By Clarion Chukwura - Zinny's Blog




The Real Intention Of Entertainers Diving Into Politics Revealed By Clarion Chukwura

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  If you can remember, I earlier talked about Nigerian entertainers declaring their political ambitions for 2015. In a recent chat with Punch, Nigerian actress and humanitarian, Clarion Chukwura explicitly states what she feels about the entertainers joining politics:

“The motive of those who are embracing partisan politics is purely monetary. Let us call a spade a spade. If you tell me that you want to go into politics to serve the people, I would want to look at your record first.

“I want to see what you have done to better the lives of the people in your immediate community. How many boreholes have you sunk in the community? How many hours of community service have you given for free over the last four or five years? How well are you known as somebody who yearns for improvement in social development?”

Opinions are free, The views expressed above are hers so what's your stand on this???

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