SUNDAY SERMON: The Profits Of Vision - Zinny's Blog




SUNDAY SERMON: The Profits Of Vision

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Vision is a clear picture of a preferred future. It is the direction of life's motion. HABAKKUK  2:2-3.

PROVERBS 29:18. Every scriptural principle carries product, to pay the price is to end with the prize because there are no wasted efforts under heaven.

  • Vision is the magnet of followership.
  • Vision attracts provision, it doesn't travel alone but whatever occupies your heart, God puts it in your hand.
  • Vision enthrones
  • Vision brings favour
  • Vision is key to distinction or excellence
  • Vision brings the unction or the mantle
  • Vision is the key to transformation ie it brings change into the life of a visioneer, it builds capacity in a person to make him/her realize the vision, it also changes internal conditions to match external expectations/manifestation. GENESIS 30:37-39
  • Vision gives excitement. it makes you stand firm in front of fire.
  • Vision develops character, discipline, wisdom and resilience (eg) Joseph.
  • Vision impacts ruggedity, rascality, urgency, courage, audacity (eg) David. 1st SAMUEL17:45-48
  • Vision is the key to preservation ie nothing preserves like vision, people of vision are not finishable. Joseph couldn't be killed because there was something he saw that must be seen that death couldn't swallow.
  • Vision gives you reason for living 2nd KINGS 5:1

Learn to strive for a greater vision. Be hungry, be target specific and be decisive! vision must be passionate, let it be something you are not willingly to live without. Learn to impact people even if you are on a set back. If you want something out of life NOT everybody should be your friend, Love is a command but friendship is a choice. Visionlessness is the mother of aimlessness because what you don't see wont come to pass. The dreams of today is the reality of tomorrow.... So, open your eyes to see clearer so that you can run faster! Shalom!!!!! God Bless You!

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