Minimah Rewards Triumphant Baga Soldiers With Instant Promotion - Zinny's Blog




Minimah Rewards Triumphant Baga Soldiers With Instant Promotion

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Barely one week after the Nigerian military recaptured Baga in Borno State, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant-General Kenneth Minimah, on Wednesday said victory could still be achieved over the Boko Haram insurgents before the elections scheduled to start March 28. Minimah, who was in Baga town in Kukawa Local Government Area to boost the morale of the troops, said the Nigerian military would not rest until Boko Haram is completely flushed out of the North-east, promising that all officers and soldiers who participated in the recapture of Baga would be promoted.

Baga was attacked for three successive days by the terrorists early last month, leading to its capture and death of hundreds of residents. Satellite imagery released by Amnesty International (AI) last month showed the level of destruction in Baga after the onslaught by the Islamist group.

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