JULIAN ASSANGE, The Self Acclaimed Pinocchio... - Zinny's Blog




JULIAN ASSANGE, The Self Acclaimed Pinocchio...

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Julian Assange

Julian Assange's internet access was mysteriously cut after he leaked emails from Hillary clinton's presidential campaign. Assange is a self- appointed Pinocchio and a big mouth. WikiLeaks has been posting the private emails of Clinton adviser John Podesta and other Democratic officials that the U.S. says were hacked by, or on behalf of, Russian intelligence agencies. WikiLeaks said Assange's internet access was cut off Sunday. In a statement, Ecuador said the decision was its own.

According to NBC, US has urged Ecuador to act against Wikileaks leader. here's the inner scoop:
Quiet pressure from the U.S. government played a role in Ecuador's decision to block WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from using the internet at Ecuador's London embassy, U.S. officials told NBC News.
"It was a bit of an eviction notice," said a senior intelligence official.
Ecuador's government said Tuesday it had partly restricted internet access for Assange, the founder of anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, who has lived in the South American country's London embassy for more than four years. A source familiar with the situation says the Ecuadoran government has been frustrated with Assange and his presence at the embassy in London for months and has been considering how best to proceed.
The action came after U.S. officials conveyed their conclusion that Assange is a willing participant in a Russian intelligence operation to undermine the U.S. presidential election, NBC News has learned. U.S. intelligence officials believe Assange knows he is getting the information from Russian intelligence, though they do not believe he is involved in helping plan the hacking, officials told NBC

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