Beyoncé Is Searching For An Apartment ... - Zinny's Blog




Beyoncé Is Searching For An Apartment ...

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Rumored apartment 

A week ago we first heard about a rumor going around that Beyoncé‘s marriage to Jay Z is in trouble and that the couple are planning to split upon completion of their On The Run Tour. To be honest, I don’t really believe the rumors … even if new rumored information continues to come to light. Today we are hearing that Bey was spotted secretly shopping for an apartment in Manhattan, fueling reports that her marriage to Jay Z is coming to an end. Can this all be true? Can the marriage of B-Jay really be falling apart?

Newyork Post has the scoop:
Beyoncé may already have one foot out the door — she’s been secretly shopping for new digs without Jay Z, sources told The Post.The booty-ful belter looked at a $21.5 million Chelsea penthouse early last month — weeks after a videotaped elevator smackdown involving Bey’s sister, Solange Knowles, and Jay, and amid growing rumors of an impending breakup, said sources close to the superstar couple. “She was very quiet, as if she was looking on the sly,” a source said. Fueling the notion that Beyoncé is not shopping for both of them is the fact that Jay Z has always been extremely involved in their real estate deals, sources said. Yet he was nowhere to be seen during the apartment showing, they added … The source said it would seem clear the new home is for Beyoncé and their 2-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy.                  

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