Lindsay Lohan Is Shoping For A Ghost Writer? - Zinny's Blog




Lindsay Lohan Is Shoping For A Ghost Writer?

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Back in December of last year, we first learned that Lindsay Lohan was lookin’ to score a book deal so that she could publish a tell-all memoir. Today we learn that plans for Lindsay‘s book are still very much in the works … the only problem is that she needs to find someone to write her book for her. According to a new report, Lohan is looking for a ghost writer to pen her tell-all memoir and apparently, she is hoping to hire Fifty Shades of Grey author E. L. James for the job.

The Mean Girls star reportedly impressed publishing bosses when she met with them in London and hinted at the celebrity stories she can recount. The troubled actress is reportedly now seeking a high-profile ghost writer to help her tell her tales, with James a prime target. A source tells The Sun newspaper, “Lindsay held meetings at major publishing houses in London recently – and the stories she promised the literary agents made their jaws drop. She’s prepared to put everything out there and has already proved she’s not shy with the list of men she claims to have slept with. “Lindsay is now looking for a ghost writer. It may seem unlikely, but she think she’s in with a shot of getting E.L. James to work on it – they met recently at (London celebrity hangout) the Chiltern Firehouse and got on well. Another pie in the sky idea was that she might persuade (Harry Potter author) J.K. Rowling to work with her.”

As for Lindsay‘s book … do you think it’s a memoir that you’d like to read???

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