Michael Jackson’s Former Maids Come Forward With Disgusting Stories About The Late Pop Star - Zinny's Blog




Michael Jackson’s Former Maids Come Forward With Disgusting Stories About The Late Pop Star

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This is a link to a report from The New York Post, in which multiple maids who used to live and work at Michael Jackson‘s Neverland Ranch are coming forward with… stuff. I mean, the truth is, once you’ve heard the sexual abuse allegations, there really isn’t anything worse than that. Still, these new statements paint an even creepier picture of the King of Pop—or maybe “sadder” is a better word. Click inside for more.

Here are some excerpts from the New York Post story:

“Michael sometimes ran around where the animals were, and he’d track . . . poop throughout the house and think nothing of it,” Maid No. 1 recalled. “Then, if you said something, he’d threaten to make doo-doo snowballs and throw it at you.”


“He literally peed on the floor of the entryway, right where you saw Oprah walk in. It was surreal. He just stood there, unzipped his trousers and watered the floor,” Maid No. 2 said.

Jackson had been relatively clean and orderly up until 1993, when 13-year-old Jordan Chandler became the first child to publicly accuse Jacko of molestation.

The accusations sent Jacko into a stupor, with the singer checking into drug rehabilitation in Switzerland and hiding out overseas until attorney Johnnie Cochran secured a guarantee from the Los Angeles district attorney that he would not be arrested upon his return to the states.

Jacko later paid Jordan and his parents more than $20 million in exchange for the boy’s silence.

“His whole life changed after 1993 when he had to pay that boy off. I’m telling you, he was the dirtiest, most unsanitary person in Hollywood,” Maid No. 3 said.

Jacko would object to his sheets being changed. “There were many times I had to sneak in and change his linen. I couldn’t understand how he’d sleep in such filth,” Maid No. 2 said. “There’d be socks and underpants in the bed and half-eaten chicken and potato chips, empty bottles of wine and whiskey on the floor.

“And you knew he wet himself — the place reeked.”

Maid No. 3 said Jacko’s bed, as well as a sofa in the living room, once became infested with bedbugs. “He said, ‘Get them the hell out of here. Call the exterminator,’ ” she recalled. “He said we should do a better job, and he said he knew that we came from poor countries so we were use to bedbugs, but he couldn’t live with them.

“I’d say there were two,” recalled Maid No. 2, who worked at Neverland from 1994 to 1996. “A soiled baby’s diaper, and a pair of Fruit of the Loom that was obviously worn by someone who was either a teen or an early-age adult.”

He also kept a dart board in the foyer of his bedroom with pictures of DreamWorks founders Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg — who he believed had stolen his idea for the studio and even its boy-on-the-moon logo.

We recently learned that Neverland Ranch is being sold, and I just can’t imagine who would want to live there.

What do you guys think of these statements? Do you have any words?


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