Boko Haram: Some Of The Women Reportedly Kidnapped In Border Towns have been set free - Zinny's Blog




Boko Haram: Some Of The Women Reportedly Kidnapped In Border Towns have been set free

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Some of the women and children reportedly kidnapped by Boko Haram insurgents in border towns between Adamawa and Borno state have been set free, according to a Vanguard report.
The news was made public by villagers who spoke via telephone from their various hideouts, although they said that the exact number of those released could not be confirmed, as about 45 were still being held.

The villagers availed that the women and girls were kidnapped in Waga Mangiro, which is between Gwoza in Borno state and Madagali in Adamawa states were usually turned to cooks or married off immediately to the insurgents.

A relation to one of the released women who spoke anonymously said: “Initially, the insurgents captured 80 girls and women whom they later loaded into their vans and zoomed off into the bushes. Later in the night, the insurgents separated the elderly women from the girls and released the women, who are now languishing in the forest because they could not relocate the towns because they were razed down by the insurgents. "We are confused that hours after the so called cease fire agreement between the Federal Government and Boko Haram insurgents, our girls are still being abducted by the insurgents. We are at a loss about government’s insincerity on the whole issue and we urge them to rescue our daughters without further delay as we are ready to die searching for our missing ones.”

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