Super Falcons Are The New Super Champions... - Zinny's Blog




Super Falcons Are The New Super Champions...

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 The Nigeria national women's football team AKA the Super Falcons have won the 9th edition of the African Women Championship after trashing the Lionesses of Cameron 2-0 at the Sam Nujoma stadium in Windhoek, Namibia.

In the final game, Coach Edwin Okon’s team showed supremacy as Desire Oparanozie and Asisat Oshoala scored in the first half to ensure Nigeria wins the trophy for a record seventh time.

The victory, also means the Super Falcons have avenged the 1-0 defeat they suffered to the Lioness's in the third-place play-off of Equatorial Guinea 2012.

Awesome news! the super falcons tamed the lionesses!!! Congrats Super falcons!! we are proud of you! Girl power!!! wooohooo!!!! What the super chicken eagle couldn't achieve, our girls did it effortlessly well.... LOL.

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