Even In Death, Bob Marley Is The Face of First Global Marijuana Brand - Zinny's Blog




Even In Death, Bob Marley Is The Face of First Global Marijuana Brand

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Bob Marley who is the highest paid dead celebrity on the Forbes list will become the face of f the first global Marijuana brand after the Marley family and a Seattle-based private equity firm announced the creation of Marley Natural, “a premium cannabis brand rooted in the life and legacy”.

NBCnews.com has the scoop:
Marley Natural will include products such as “pot-infused creams, accessories (like vaporizers in the style of e-cigarettes) and strains of ‘heirloom Jamaican cannabis,’ inspired by the herb that Marley enjoyed in extravagant, finger-sized joints”.

Marley Natural is expected to start shipping its product to areas where marijuana is now legal by the end of next year. The company is backed by Privateer Holdings, a private equity firm that deals exclusively in cannabis industry investments. Brendan Kennedy, the CEO of Privateer Holdings, spoke of the firm’s commitment to ‘ending the social harms caused by prohibition”.

Marley Natural is described as “the Ben & Jerry’s of pot, selling a worldwide product, supporting local activism, and sharing the wealth with the little guys”. Bob Marley’s daughter spoke of her father’s view of marijuana and how he would endorse the move for the capitalization of the plant.

“My dad would be so happy to see people understanding the healing power of the herb. He viewed the herb as something spiritual that could awaken our well-being, deepen our reflection, connect us to nature and liberate our creativity.”

The company’s mission statement is described on its website.

“Our mission is to champion Bob’s voice and his insight to help people realize the positive potential of cannabis for the mind, body, and spirit”

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