VIDEO: Aunty Serena Busted! - Zinny's Blog




VIDEO: Aunty Serena Busted!

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Recently, aunty Sereh broke the internet as she revealed that she had run down a cell phone thief who tried to steal her phone.
I JUMPED up, weaved my way in and out of the cozy restaurant (LEAPING over a chair or two) and chased him down. He began to run but i was too FAST. (those sprints came in handy) i was upon him in a FLASH!

That’s not the scoop but the salt and over spicy peppered description about how she turned into a super hero leaping over a chair or two, weaving in and out of the crowd before running down the thief on foot in a flash was just too over exaggerated! Maybe, she didn’t know that a surveillance tape would surface anytime soon… Watch the actual occurrence below:

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