BREAKING NEWS: Theresa May Pressured to Resign... + Election Results - Zinny's Blog




BREAKING NEWS: Theresa May Pressured to Resign... + Election Results

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Theresa may leaves Conservative Party HQ

Theresa May's future as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservatives was being openly questioned after her decision to hold a snap election disastrously backfired. She was looking all shades of fabulous rocking her famous silvery-grey haircut, red matte lipstick and an egdy must- have HOT Chili red two-piece suit which is aaaah-mazing and a super bold choice.

According to Skynews:

Theresa May stood waiting for the declaration in her Maidenhead constituency just before 3.30am, the Prime Minister had a face like thunder.When she spoke, her voice was cracking. She sounded - as well as looked - badly shaken. She must know her days as Prime Minister are numbered.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called on the Prime Minister to resign, saying she should "go and make way for a government that is truly representative of this country". And former chancellor George Osborne, sacked from the Cabinet by Mrs May and now editor of the Evening Standard, told ITV: "Clearly if she's got a worse result than two years ago and is almost unable to form a government then she I doubt will survive in the long term as Conservative party leader."

With Britain facing a hung parliament, Mrs May pledged to offer "stability" if the Tories end up as the largest party with the most votes, as expected.

But Conservative former minister Anna Soubry said she should "consider her position" and take personal responsibility for a "dreadful" campaign and a "deeply flawed" manifesto after choosing to go to the country three years early in the hope of extending her majority.

  • With 619 out of 650 constituencies declared, a Press Association forecast predicted that Tories would end up with 320 seats - 10 fewer than when the election was called and six short of an absolute majority.
  • Labour was heading for 260 seats, the Liberal Democrats for 14, the Scottish National Party 34, Plaid Cymru three and Greens one, according to the PA analysis.
  • Record number of female MPs So far, 192 women MPs have been elected - a record high.
  • Conservatives lose Canterbury after 99 years, Labour pulled off a shock victory in the formerly impregnable Conservative stronghold of Canterbury, prizing the seat from Tory control for the first time since 1918, Henry Bodkin writes.
  • Reports of long queues outside polling stations at Kent University suggest strong student support contributed to the 20 per cent increase in share of the vote that secured the constituency for Labour by 187 votes.
General Election 2017 Full results click here

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